Home delivery is available to Chappaqua Library cardholders who can't visit the library because of age, illness, or disability.
How do I register? Call the Information Desk, (914) 238-4779 x2.
How long can I receive delivery service? Delivery can be short or long term depending upon your needs.
What items can I borrow? Books, audiobooks, magazines and DVDs including one 14 Day or one New book each delivery period.
What items can't I borrow? Express Items are not available for home delivery.
How will my items be chosen? Request specific titles from our library or have a staff member select items based on your interests.
How many items can I check out? Up to 20 items each delivery period.
When will I receive my requested items? Materials will be delivered to your door by a volunteer or a member of the library staff. A mutually convenient time for items to be delivered and returns picked up can be decided in advance.
When will the items be due back? Items will be due back in one month. They will be picked up when your new items are delivered.