Documents & Reports

Title Date File
03.18.2024 Chappaqua Library Board Meeting Minutes View Document
2021-2022 Chappaqua Library Budget View Document
2022-2023 Chappaqua Library Budget View Document
2023-2024 Chappaqua Library Budget View Document
2023.11.13 Board Meeting Minutes View Document
2024-2025 Chappaqua Library Budget View Document
FY 2021-2022 Independent Audit (PKF O'Connor Davies) of the Library's Financial Statements for the FY Ending 06.30.2022 View Document
Independent Auditor (PKF O'Connor Davies) Letter dated May 23 2023 Report to those Charged with Governance (Board of Trustees) Regarding the Library's Financial Statements for the FY Ended 06.30.2022 View Document